Priyanka Chopra Jonas has been working for years in the Bollywood industry and winning the heart of millions of people with her on-screen performances. The actress has earned the title of ‘desi girl’ after working in blockbuster film Dostana. With her eclectic taste and ethnic choices, the actress is a fashion inspiration for every Indian girl. This iconic actress knows how to blend tradition with modern fashion needs. With her stunning desi outfits, she is not behind to set trend among the youth.
Have a look on her sizzling sarees that will blow your heart away
For her guest entry in Kapil Sharma Show, the 37-year-old diva stepped in a polka-dotted saree. She kept her look simple and sober with Sabyasachi saree featured with red dots on a creamish white background. The actress topped her saree with a deep neck full sleeve red blouse. Keeping her look bold, she teamed up with a pair of statement earrings and red lips.
Picture Credits: Instagram @priyankachopra
The desi girl nailed in Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas’s nuptials in France. Getting back to eighteenth-century Priyanka Chopra draped Sabyasachi saree. The actress looked mesmerizing in sorbet pink organza saree. She paired the saree with matching sunnies and flowers in her hair depicting the eighteenth-century. With a pink low-cut blouse and frame on her face, she is bringing ethnic to a new level.
Picture Credits: Instagram @priyankachopra
When nothing works, floral outfits are the best choice for you to step out in your daily life. During the promotion of her feature The Sky Is Pink, Priyanka Chopra wore this black floral saree designed by Sabyasachi. The style icon topped her saree look with black wangles and wavy hair locks.
Picture Credits: Instagram @bnrs.creations
In this picture Priyanka Chopra looks elegant with creamish golden saree. The actor wore this saree in an award ceremony last year. With a strapless blouse, shiny fabric, golden deatilings by Abu Jani and Sandeep Khosla, Priyanka Chopra was looking stunning. The Indian actress enhanced her glam look with low bun and wisps of hair framed her face.
Picture Credits: Instagram @bollyhollywood1