Anushka Sharma is an amazing actress who has managed to steal hearts not only with her work in films but also with her gorgeous style. The diva likes to keep ‘no-fuss, no-muss’ look which makes her unique in the whole B town. But when it comes to her earring collection, the 32-year-old actress has an impressive collection. Anushka Sharma has a penchant for all kinds of earrings. And for all of you people who are looking for trendy earrings can check out her impressive collection.
Here are the Anushka Sharma’s chart-topping choices of earrings that will leave you stunned.
Dainty earrings
Anushka Sharma wore these dainty earrings to gently uplift her look. She likes to have these earrings with the gown or business suit, which makes her to look simple and trendy. She elevated her look with these charming earrings paired with a light colored outfit that was enough to make jaws drop.
Picture Credits: Instagram @anushkasharma
Elaborate Chokers
There is no doubt that the actress is fond of traditional outfits and adds flair to her outfits with chokers. She wore a green outfit and teamed it with rocking chokers inspired from 60’s era like Zambian emerald and rose-cut diamond choker which makes her look lavishing.
Picture Credits: Instagram @anushkasharma/
Chandbalis are her favorite earrings which she pair with her sarees. In this look, the diva elaborated her desi look by golden chandbalis teamed with green shade saree. Her pair of chandbalis is best when you are out for your best friend’s wedding. Chandbalis fits best with all kinds of wedding outfits.
Picture Credits: Instagram @anushkasharma
Hoops are the favorite earrings of every girl and can be found in their earrings collection. Anushka Sharma gave us a major idea of when to wear hoops. The actress wore pair of hoops with her busy silhouettes in this look. With clean and minimal flair, she is looking simple and gorgeous.
Picture Credits: Instagram @anushkasharma
Quirky picks
The actress managed to steal our hearts yet again as she stepped out in the Gucci ear jacket. Her Golden Gucci jacket is worth shot which can be teamed up with deep blue checkered tuxedo as she did. The actress gave us the idea to wear such earrings when you are out for a business look. Her Gucci ear jacket will leave you awestruck and work best for casual days.
Picture Credits: Instagram @anushkasharma
Which pair of earrings did you like the most? Let us know by commenting below.