Kareena Kapoor Khan dropped some heartwarming memories with her husband Saif Ali Khan. While the world welcomed 2025 with fireworks and parties, they celebrated the holiday season amid snow-capped mountains in Switzerland with their kids, Jeh and Taimur Ali Khan. Kareena Kapoor has been teasing fans on social media by sharing a glimpse of her cozy and chic NY celebration.
Image credit: instagram.com
She kicked off 2025 in style in her breathtaking metallic Ralph Lauren dress featuring with sleek round neck, a sleeveless design, and a fitted waistline, flowing into a fully pleated A-line skirt with a chic mid-length.
Image credit: instagram.com
Moreover, she pairs her outfit with a black and metallic bag, red stilettos, minimal accessories, and loads of panache. While talking about her husband Saif Ali Khan looked like a million bucks in a tuxedo. They both look lovely together.
Image credit: instagram.com
Overall, If you loved Kareena’s outfit and are wondering how much it costs, don’t worry – we’ve got the details for you. Her breathtaking dress is from Ralph Lauren, priced at $4,568, which is around ₹393,075.03.
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