Actor Amit Pandey is now all set to be seen in the upcoming movie of Ajay Devgn titled Bhola which is the official remake of Tamil film Kaithi has been the talk of the town ever since it was announced, we have also seen the pictures and the glimpses of the actor in his character that was immensely loved by the fans, also went viral on social media.
Actor Amit Pandey is now all set to be seen in the upcoming movie of Ajay Devgn titled Bhola which is the official remake of Tamil film Kaithi has been the talk of the town ever since it was announced, we have also seen the pictures and the glimpses of the actor in his character that was immensely loved by the fans, also went viral on social media.
Actor Amit Pandey is now all set to be seen in the upcoming movie of Ajay Devgn titled Bhola which is the official remake of Tamil film Kaithi has been the talk of the town ever since it was announced, we have also seen the pictures and the glimpses of the actor in his character that was immensely loved by the fans, also went viral on social media.
Actor Amit Pandey is now all set to be seen in the upcoming movie of Ajay Devgn titled Bhola which is the official remake of Tamil film Kaithi has been the talk of the town ever since it was announced, we have also seen the pictures and the glimpses of the actor in his character that was immensely loved by the fans, also went viral on social media.
Actor Amit Pandey is now all set to be seen in the upcoming movie of Ajay Devgn titled Bhola which is the official remake of Tamil film Kaithi has been the talk of the town ever since it was announced, we have also seen the pictures and the glimpses of the actor in his character that was immensely loved by the fans, also went viral on social media.
Actor Amit Pandey is now all set to be seen in the upcoming movie of Ajay Devgn titled Bhola which is the official remake of Tamil film Kaithi has been the talk of the town ever since it was announced, we have also seen the pictures and the glimpses of the actor in his character that was immensely loved by the fans, also went viral on social media.
Actor Amit Pandey is now all set to be seen in the upcoming movie of Ajay Devgn titled Bhola which is the official remake of Tamil film Kaithi has been the talk of the town ever since it was announced, we have also seen the pictures and the glimpses of the actor in his character that was immensely loved by the fans, also went viral on social media.
Actor Amit Pandey is now all set to be seen in the upcoming movie of Ajay Devgn titled Bhola which is the official remake of Tamil film Kaithi has been the talk of the town ever since it was announced, we have also seen the pictures and the glimpses of the actor in his character that was immensely loved by the fans, also went viral on social media.