The 21st edition of the JIO MAMI Mumbai Film Festival began with a star-studded red carpet on Sunday night. Several Bollywood celebrities such as Kareena Kapoor, Deepika Padukone, Alia Bhatt, Janhvi Kapoor and Ananya Panday dazzled on the red carpet at the annual International film festival. Deepika was appointed as the new chairperson of MAMI earlier this year. The position was previously held by producer Kiran Rao. Let’s have a look who wore what at the event:
Deepika Padukone: The stunning Deepika Padukone instantly made heads turn by turning up in a blue flowy gown from Marmar Halim. The polka dotted outfit indeed channeled retro vibes, but we loved how it had a refreshing spin with its one-shoulder cut, a tight-fitting waist and a voluminous flare. Deepika let her dress do all the talking by opting for minimal accessories and makeup.
Picture Credits: Instagram @deepikapadukone
Janhvi Kapoor: Janhvi Kapoor took to the stars to make a stylish entry at the red carpet. She wore a peppy star-printed shirt by River Island and teamed it with a metallic mini skirt by Topshop for a trendy style statement. To accessorize her look, she picked a classic pair of white pumps and wore chic hair clips to look picture perfect.
Picture Credits:
Ananya Pandey: Ananya Panday was an absolute stunner in what’s become one of this season’s favorite style picks – blazer dresses. Keeping with autumn trends, Ananya opted for a beige blazer dress by Ulyana Sergeenko that featured leather detailing at the waist, striped sleeves and cut-out patterns at the back. She teamed it with a pair of strappy heels and sported sharp straight hair.
Picture Credits: Instagram @ananyapanday
These actresses never disappoint us with their looks.
Whose look you liked the most. Let us know in the comment section below.