Sonam Kapoor Ahuja’s most stylish outing was at Paris Fashion Week and her sister and stylist, Rhea Kapoor took to her Instagram to share Sonam’s photoshoots. Those were by all means convincing photoshoots and Sonam’s fashion looked so evolved. With her outfits, she delivered high style and the pairing of jewelry was so perfectly done. Somewhere place her jewelry contrasted and some place it mixed with the outfit. So, let’s explore Sonam Kapoor Ahuja’s latest Paris Fashion Week closet.
Right off the bat, when Sonam or Rhea post pictures on their social media feeds, it makes swells in the fashion world. Regardless of whether you like their design looks or not, there is constantly a level of excitement and surprise that follows. The sisters consistently experiment and beckon us to look past the customary style standards and Paris is such a special place in the world, where fashion is at its pinnacle.
Sonam’s latest outfits were brown colored, white-colored, and black & white colored. However, the hues were not by any means the only significant aspects here, the more important point was the balance. For example, talking about her flowy brown-toned, and striped ensemble by Elie Saab, it was complemented by that statement gold-toned neckpiece. It was a downplayed and wispy number however that substantial Pipa. Bella and Rhea Kapoor’s teamed up neckpiece completely added some zest to her look.
Picture Credits: Instagram @sonamkapoor
The coordinating bracelets also upped her look. The earrings were in contrast negligible and tiny, and she wore it just in one ear. The makeup was highlighted by gold tones and glossy pink lip shade. The perfect eyeliner and eye shadow worked out positively for her look and the long-braided hairdo was the goal that all the women with long tresses would have required.
Picture Credits: Instagram @sonamkapoor
After her Elie Saab clothing, her long white dress by Valentino also grabbed our eye. It was a very well-organized look and there was a level of contrast that was achieved. Her dress was humble yet dramatic. The rope belt gave structure to her ensemble but her precious Jamavar shawl taken from her mom, Sunita Kapoor, was a significant expansion. The exquisite and intricately patterned shawl must have added to the unique quotient at the Parisian fashion week.
Picture Credits: Instagram @sonamkapoor
The gold Amrapali chain neckpiece and those dainty danglers improved and color-blocked her white dress. This time, her makeup had a pop of pink color and the bun completed her symbol. The last outfit had a bit of story and backstories consistently make fashion more interesting. In this way, Sonam went to the legendary designer, Jean Paul Gaultier’s last show and he was the first Couturier to dress Sonam Kapoor at Cannes.
Picture Credits: Instagram @sonamkapoor
Along these lines, this must have been extremely exceptional for the fashion diva and what she wore was outstanding. This outfit of hers deserves a unique notice as it can make inclines especially in the Indian market. The diva wore a sari tuxedo by Jean Paul Gaultier and as the name suggests, it was a pant sari and part pants. The bodice of her ensemble appeared to be a sari drape and there were also pants.
Picture Credits: Instagram @sonamkapoor
It gave us glamourous boss lady vibes. She also draped a long white-colored jacket with her clothing, which spruced up her look. The silver neckpiece set by Amrapali totally complemented her clothing. She adorned her look with delicate earrings. Her makeup and hairstyling were done to the point that it radiated vintage vibes. Smoky kohl and muted pink lip shade adjusted her look however the little black bindi added traditional quotient to her look.
Picture Credits: Instagram @sonamkapoor
The middle-parted puffy feather-cut hairdo also gave her look the 50s touch. So, what do you think about Sonam Kapoor Ahuja’s Paris Fashion Week looks? Let us know that in the comment section.