Shraddha Kapoor has unmistakably been doing great with the promotions of her new film, Street Dancer 3D. The movie that hit the theatres last week ago has gotten a hodgepodge of reviews. But, while crowds hurrying to the theatres to watch the movie, we took a look back at all the stunning looks that the actress served at the promotions. Her looks were certainly stylish and chic with a hint of experimentation.
From bodycon dresses to thigh-high boots she has done everything. To such an extent that she even got featured on the well-known Instagram account, Diet Sabya not once but twice. Discussing her feature in the popular account, this look was instantly compared with a digestive drops packaging. No matter what, this was one of our favorite looks on the diva by far. She opted for a metallic checkered dress by Asos.
Picture Credits: Instagram @shraddhakapoor
The bodycon impeccably embraced her body while flaunting her perfect curves. Not simply that, it also featured an enormous bow around the neck that worked as a statement. Next, she made a futuristic statement in a minidress by Amit Aggarwal. The dress featured layers of sequined and holographic textures in layers all through. Black combat boots, wavy hair and smokey eyes finished her look. While the look was trial and OTT, she certainly appeared to pull it off.
Picture Credits: Instagram @shraddhakapoor
Next, it was an all-black look that we were certainly skeptical about. She decided on patent leather joggers that gave an illusion of latex. She styled it with a skimpy bralette and white strappy heels. Next, the actress offered a stunning statement in an all-black ensemble by Blssd. Her outfit featured a black body-hugging jumpsuit that flaunted her long-toned legs. She at that point cinched her waist with a black belt that bore long flowy fabric that gave her look a hallucination of a dress.
Picture Credits: Instagram @shraddhakapoor
She completed the look with edgy details like intense smokey eyes and thigh-high boots. We turned into absolute fans! Moving on, she made an elegant statement in a jumpsuit by Reem Acra and truly, it was hard to take our eyes off her! Following up is another outfit that got included on Diet Sabya. The actress selected a short mini dress by Love and Labels and styled it with a side braid.
Picture Credits: Instagram @shraddhakapoor
Aside from the whole Diet Sabya thing, the look really made her resemble a doll. Moving on, the 32-year-old actress said something as she styled her girly yellow skirt with a cropped blazer. It was fresh, chic and in trendy.
Picture Credits: Instagram @shraddhakapoor
What are your thoughts about her promotional look? Which one was your top pick? Let us know in the comments section below.